Tuesday 12 April 2016

Budaya Negatif: Melantun-lantun

Kebelakangan ni aku tengok, terutama sekali di media sosial.. satu gejala negatif dah semakin menular dikalangan kita. Mungkin kamus dewan ada definisi tersendiri tapi aku lebih gemar melabelkan gejala ni sebagai budaya 'Melantun-Lantun'.

Apakah definisi, deskripsi, dan kesesuaian aplikasi budaya ini? Tak perlu aku aku jelaskan sebijik-sebijik. Cuba bukak Facebook... tengoklah newsfeed. ramai yang tengah melantun-lantun mengenai isu-isu 'semasa'. cakap main lepas.. main share aje benda tanpa usul periksa. main sergah jaaa tak kira laa spekulasi kosong atau tidak, buta fakta. melantun-lantun... terjerit-jerit crying foul atau playing the victim.

Sedap-sedap share benda yang entah betul entah tidak... tak check. bila kita bagitau benda tu salah dan tengur... yang bajet alim bagi excuse macam ni..

"Kalau tak share, tak tau betul ka dak. Bila share akan ada yang betulkan jika salah. Pakat tegur menegur and pesan memesan dengan kebaikan serta kebenaran"


sedap-sedap jaaa lepas tanggungjawab. orang-orang macam ni adalah hipokrit to the highest order yang patut dicampak ke dalam lombong (ok ok... tak baik campak orang dalam lombong). Nak hadis ka? jap.. jap... nak google and research.....

.......... dah jumpa

بسم الله الرحمٰن الرحيم
Hadis ke-1511:
وعن أَبي هريرة – رضي الله عنه – عن النَّبيِّ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – قَالَ: «مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللهِ وَاليَوْمِ الآخِرِ فَلْيَقُلْ خَيْرًا أَوْ لِيَصْمُتْ» متفق عَلَيْهِ
وهذا صَريحٌ في أنَّهُ يَنْبَغي أَنْ لا يَتَكَلَّمَ إِلاَّ إِذَا كَانَ الكلامُ خَيرًا، وَهُوَ الَّذِي ظَهَرَتْ مَصْلَحَتُهُ، ومَتَى شَكَّ في ظُهُورِ المَصْلَحَةِ، فَلاَ يَتَكَلَّم
Daripada Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, daripada Nabi sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam Baginda bersabda, “Barangsiapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat maka hendaklah dia berkata baik ataupun diam.” (Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
(source) (jakim)

the burden of truth is upon the people who said/shared it. bukannya susah pun nak check kesahihan. banyak jaaaa cara.. cuma kita yang PEMALAS! nak check sikit sebelum share pun MALAS!!... dah baca something... TELAN BULAT-BULAT sebab MALAS nak check sahih ke tak. lepastu.... MELANTUN jerrr kerja.

satu siri ceramah dibatal sebab tajuk kontroversi... pergi sebar kata kerajaan haramkan/halang penceramah masuk. selena gomes boleh masuk.. kenapa penceramah takleh masuk.


penceraamah tu ada jaa kat dalam malaysia... session2 dia yang lain jalan jerr...... tapi... APA SANGKUT PAUT SELENA GOMES DENGAN ISLAM, HIDUISM, CERAMAH DAN KERAJAAN MELAYSIA?

pencetus ummah kaaa.. ustaz facebook ka... main pusing... main share... bakar line. yang berilmu pun... turun join the 'cool kids'... share.

Malu weii... aku malu dengan kejahilan orang-orang bijak pandai kita main share argument-argument dan protes yang tidak berasaskan fakta, tangkap muat, exegerated and manipulated to blow things out of proportions.

Tahniah... rakyat Malaysia. Most of you guys have shown your true shallow selves. =D


Wednesday 6 January 2016

Ye... Aku Kembali...

1000 Tahun - Butterfingers

Memanglah Penat

Tapi macam mana nak buat
Sudah terlambat
Baru nak cepat


Harap maafkan di atas segala kesulitan
Perselisihan yang dihadapi selama ini
Amat di kesali Tak kan berulang lagi

Kembali kepada selamanya
Kini ku bangun sedar dari mimpi
Kembali kepada petak pertama
Ku mahu hidup 1000 tahun lagi

Saya tak akan
Mengambil kesempatan
Walaupun diriku ini kesempitan
Di awan kesembilan

Kotaraya cosmopolitan ini
Penuh dengan iblis dan syaitan
Penuh dugaan
Kalau jatuh lagi
Berdiri Kembali sekali lagi

Aku Orang Melayu...

Biar lah busuk mana pun Tun M kata melayu mudah lupa itu ini.. Aku tak mungkin rasa malu aku melayu. Biar lah se 'HIP' mana sekalipun design jubah lelaki muda mudi masa kini. Baju melayu itu jugalah yang paling padan.. yang paling lekat di jiwa.

Orang dulu kata, belajar sampai ke negeri cina. Tapi orang yang cakap tu lupa kat Malaysia pun dah ada universiti (dulu tak dak cek oi... sebab tu laa suruh pi sana). Nak belajar dengan orang cina pun ramai dah ada kat sini.

Ustaz-ustaz wannabe, PU, imam kanyiaq cakap bahasa melayu macam Pak Arab (padahal bumi asia barat pun tak pernah jejak) pulak mungkin lupa loghat kampung mereka. kadang2 rasa tebal nak lempang sekoq2 tu sama macam brader balik UK cakap melayu.. "say ye ow rang pew tih."

Kenapa? Busuk sangat kah bahasa ibunda bangsa? Buruk sangat ke teluk belanga? Daif sangat kah bangsa kita? Maaf, aku orang melayu. Kemelayuan di zaman moden ini haruslah seumpama air milo, masuk cawan bulat, bulat jadinya.. masuk cawan petak, petak jadinya... tapi rasanya tetap MILO.

"Ta' Melayu Hilang Di-Dunia"

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Of Movies and Female Leads....

Most of my friends are aware that whenever a movie have a strong female lead, i often would pass from watching the movie entirely. Some might say that i'm too chauvinistic to even allow a woman to be the main lead (especially in action packed movies). Yeaa yeaaa... i can be a bit strong with my male agenda... but it doesn't mean that i despise female leads.

My problem, too often, with female leads in movies (especially the action ones) is that they are too obsessed in empowering the lead that they didn't even appreciate what women are. Among the usual suspect would be to create super strong and awesome lady lead who could beat the crap out of anybody and SLIT A DAMN BIG CLEAVAGE IN TIGHT SUITS. see how spiteful i am about it? yeahhh.. the women lead could add a zipper (like breastfeeding mother's clothing... lol) just in case they need to flash some sexy to get out of tight spot, but please.. don't let it all out 24/7.

Some just slap a woman face on a character that could just work with a male character (Terminator... errr.. which number was it? the one with the lady villain...you're guilty on this!!!!) and devoid of any female touch, feels. By making the character a female doesn't add anything to the story... to the character development... to no impact... and to no significance. I hate decisions to make a character a lady just for the sake of eye candy. yeaaa yeaaa... i know you'll complain... "but azam, you love eye candies".i bet tonnes of feminazi would start screaming.why are saying that it's good to sideline females from leads. deeyyy.... by nature, as a man... i like eye candy. but i know that the objectifying of women is not a good thing by brain. dudes and dudettes... i do have a brain. im not governed just by my primal instincts. contrary to popular beliefs, im not a total dick. hahahahahah

If you wanna do things right... have a strong story development of the female lead. create a dynamic character, show that the fact that she's a woman... adds to the story telling. show that the story cant't work if the lead is a guy instead of a woman. thennnnn..... you'll get a standing ovation from me (not a standing ovation while sitting down... you geddit?? you geddit right????). A fair example would be Brienne of Tarth from game of thrones. yes, im highlighting the action packed ones. there are other good lady leads but they're still within the safe zone of what defines a woman.

Yeaa yeaa... i know some of you would moan..."but Azam... she's not the main character.". dude... take a chill pill and understand. she's a POV character in Game of Thrones (GoT) and that as much as lead that any character could be in GoT. what makes Brienne a good female lead is that she is strong, with virtues of a knight, dynamic, and still believable. in my eyes she's 100% a true knight and 100% a true Lady... not just a far fetched bastardized merger of the two polar opposites.

Want an even cooler example? How about we reboot the spiderman series and replace peter parker with woman to headline her own comic? Sounds like a total sellout bullshit with another excuse to put sexy into spidey... Well it turned out we have THIS!

Spider-Gwen!!!!! yeaahh... i know... she's still in tights... but at least there's no big slit from her neck to down below. why is she called Spider Gwen?? it is because....

Because she is Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker's former flame that often died or vanished to obscurity in the many spider man universe(s). she's a version of spiderman in an alternate timeline/universe (whatever!) where instead of Peter Parker, it was Gwen that was stung by the radioactive spider. She actually met the main Spiderman(the one we all know) and this is what happened.

A role reversal... as how Peter failed to save the life of Gwen Stacy and it is the biggest regret that he had to carry.... Spider Gwen couldn't save the Peter Parker of her world and it is the weight that she had to carry. The gender switch created a new breath of fresh air and new perspectives on characters that we thought was set in stone. The writer took the whole spider-verse, tore it to smithereens, shake them up, re-organized it... and it still worked. The female spidey is awesome in her own rights.

I wont elaborate more on her story but if you're interested to know... kotaku wrote a great deal of detail on why Spider Gwen is awesome. READ IT HERE

Now im just gonna leave you guys with this....

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Shit upon those who deserves it... (a story of GST)

Noise... So much noise.

Malaysians masses are somewhat an expert in this. We like to blow things out of proportions and commonly would have a dramatic reaction to any current or trending issues. We viral the shit about how this artist tweet that this other artist should stop singing, PM's electricity bills, amukan gadis ala Kiki CMD... common things you can see in your facebook feed..

One question, before sharing anything in social media.... one must fulfill one social obligation.. confirm the info you're about to share... or at least dig in for some validity. That's why im sure that there will never be Malaysian as Little finger's agent or Vary's whispering spiders. (yeaaahh i know.. Westeroos is not a real place).

Now back to our little talk about shitting. I just wonder with the looming April Fool's joke GST just around the corner, a lot of people are bitching that the government is making their life hard with the implementation. This would burden the people, not thoughtful, abuse of power..... yada yada yada. if you ask me about it, i'd say why the fuck are you condemning a taxation exercise that would actually stop tax evasion, a transparent taxing exercise and tax exemption for businesses below 200k?

"but GST will raise all the prices.. cost of living will rise... yada yada yada" u might say. Stop! Stop right there!! stop blaming the system but instead... lets put the shit where it belong. So where should all the shit go? All the shits should be with YOU, yeahhh YOU!

You... who owns a bigass company and evaded tax like an expert, loss accounts for submission to LHDN, profitable account for loan and banking. and now these rotten piece of human being are the loudest to protest GST and panicking as they will no longer be able to shit the people in LHDN with the transparent taxation exercise. Yes, the shit should be on YOU, who raise the price of goods with the excuse of "GST maaaa...." without any real knowledge of how GST works and do it just purely to make extra profit. (example, 10% service tax not abolished 6% GST on top).

My only issue with GST is the implementation should come with enforcement to make sure these dumbass excuse of a human being doesn't manipulate the implementation of to benefit their greedy cause.

To stop the rot, we need to know where the rot is. Hello there, you rotten people. So tell me again, where should the shit go?

Monday 16 February 2015

My kind of sound, the path and the reflection...

And here we are again, after years of silence. My fingers are back to paint this blog with the click and clacking of my mechanical keyboard. That familiar sound that i learn to love and hate. The sound of the midnight oil burned in the name of work... or the sound my gaming venture, pwning.

The reason i'm here is not to talk about those sound but instead, to talk about music. The sheer magnitude that music have in my life. I have always lived my life with a background music running in my head. It is like I am living a scene of a movie. For those who might know me well enough or spent enough time around me, they would notice that i would occasionally hum a tune, whistle or sing out-loud without giving a damn about the surrounding because at that moment... that's the 'background music' of my 'movie'.

Sometimes, instead of humming the background music.. i would continue the last word of what a person say with a song a la pitch perfect battle minus the acapella twist.  Example:-

"jangan tinggal aku weih!!"
and i'll continue with "oh adik... ohhh juwita. kanda sedang rindu. Padamu yang manis jelita"

That's how music is king in almost every aspect of my life. The most common one would be 'the song' for that 'specific moment'. Like whenever i hear any Linkin Park Meteora songs, i would instantly be tranported back to my hostel life in UiTM. To the extend that i could still smell my worn out jeans, all the maggi mee, all the crazy/idiotic stunts down to midnight fart-etition (fart competition).

Most of the 'strong' musics i used to listen and jam to are very meaningful for me. hell, some are still in my playlist even as a father of two. I still need them, if not... the only music i would be listening would be Let it go and a whole bunch of other Frozen/Disney/Nickelodeon musical shows. The remedy of excessive 'Let it go' syndrome, common to fathers with daughters of age would be....

All the lols... better than the original let it go being played over and over and over and over again.

"Daddy, nak lagu yaya... nak let it go"

And here we go again... over and over and over...

The music that i love so much... the people... the bands.. a lot have changed in the music industry. Lately i've been digging and updating myself with all the music i used to listen to and my heroes singing the songs... most of them have settled down in a more quiet life.

Alexisonfire.. officially ended back in 2011 and did a farewell tour. Too bad Malaysia/Singapore wasn't in their touring list. They were the heroes of my youth.

Underoath... officially ended back in 2012 and they did drop by Malaysia for a farewell. hell, it was among the greatest night for me. nothing compares to the sheer presence of a band, the singalong and the mosh.

As i lay dying... didn't disband. instead, their frontman was trialed and convicted with the the attempt on his wife's life via hired guns and currently chilling in the state prison.

Emery is currently on hiatus and did a quick 10 years anniversary concert last year. without their bassist/vocals.. emery's sound is kinda lost in all their effort.

The only band of my youth... that is still active and delivering their music would be Funeral for a Friend. In my opinion the best band that ever walked the earth as their music fit my ears like a glove (errr... metaphorically... u dont wear gloves on your ears... dude... come on..!). I could still remember the first time i heard their song... Rookie of the Year in a Kerrang! compilation. It was superb. And later, as i was browsing some CDs in OU... there it was... FFAF's full album... Casually Dressed & Deep in Conversations. THE CD of my youth.

It is good to hear their new songs.. and please.. FFAF, come to Malaysia. =D (fanboy... yeah yeaaahh... i know..)

"I'm cutting the cord;
I'm cutting the cord that keeps me.
I'm cutting the ties;
I'm cutting the ties that
bind my feet to the ground, my head in the sand.
And when did the doors start to
close and why did we just turn away?
In favour of some passing
trend that lets us down everyday.
And do we believe in the words?
Do we believe in the words that
we say when we're screaming in
each other's faces just like the good old days?"

-Nails by FFAF

In a way... I'm not saying that the current crop of musicians, whichever scene you may want to refer to, lacks the quality. Im just saying.. those days.. those kind of music were MY kinda music. The same as your dads would say that no bands could ever be better than the Beatles. And here I am... listening to MY music using a headphone as my daughter is running around inside my room singing Let it go.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Selecting the shiniest of two turds..

wanna know something sad? nearing the GE, everybody will turn one eye blind to the group they like, and start searching for anything for the party they dont like. small things become magnified.. nothing is based on facts. and with facebook/internet, the meaning of FACT is lost with it.

for me, i choose with my BOTH eyes open. look at the reality. one side, you're choosing PAS/DAP/PKR rojak, not just one of it... and the other side would be the UMNO/MCA/MIC bullshit. which one would be the government that you want?

sex scandal? it's just one guy... forged sex video, it's just another political assassination. picture of a guy wearing one party, doing something wrong... just about anybody can print a shirt with whatever logo and do whatever shit. post videos of people being beaten... it's JUST a video of people being beaten, ignore the sob story that'd follow as just about anybody can type a whole sob paragraph about something may be true or might just be fiction. all these political propaganda can be true... but it can also be created to deceive you. swallow this, both sides are doing it, and you will never know the truth. and screaming/shouting about it or sharing in facebook doesnt spell J.U.S.T.I.C.E. as you dont know for a fact as well. people come up with 'hidden' side of history. well i'm quite sure just about anybody can conjure up a 'hidden' history out of thin air. so? what now? use your brain laaaaaa....

my point is, ignore the bullshits and think about the real issue. think about what kind of government you wanna live in. leave the petty bickering to the power hungry and the illiterate.

Tuesday 26 February 2013


Hello you,
yes... you.. Arya Alayna..
i dont know where i'd be and what i'd be doing when you read this,
i just want to make sure that no matter what, i LOVE YOU with all of my heart.

so here is a picture of us chilling together..
for old time's sake.
be awesome, always!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

I am your father...

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

watched 'Big Fish' last night out of boredom. listened to 'Butterfly Kisses'... and then 'Cats in the cradle'... 'A boy named Sue' and a whole lot more. ok.... nervous...

Thursday 24 May 2012

Politikus hampagas..

Vote kanan... kau kafir. vote kiri... pun kau kafir! encik-encik politicians skarang ni dah lebih kurang dengan budak2 darjah satu. "kau babi".. "kau laaa lagi babi". "mana ada... kau laaa betul2 babi".

kenapa laaaaa budak-budak ni yg tgh berebut nak jadi 'PEMIMPIN' negara aku?

percaya atau tidak

mereka semua SAMA!

yang di atas... sedap-sedap sukahati... yang kat bawah... komplen itu ini.

bila si POLAN kat bawah naik atas... dia pulak sedap-sedap bikin sukahati dia.

demokrasi dan pilihanraya adalah sukan memilih lahanat mana yang kau rela tahan and you can cope with. kau jahanam tapi tak kaco hidup aku directly... gua no hal. tapi kalo ko terpekik terlolong... macam orang tak bertamadun depan hidung aku. ko bleh blah!