Thursday 15 May 2008


suddenly.. all the colors in my life become brighter.. as if it was a television set and you adjusted the knob and everything become vibrant. Red is redder.. blue is bluer and the contrast is as clear as the horizon on the west over a calm sea. It's like an enlightenment. I was given a choice.. and i chose... my choice is my life is my life, for me and for the ones i love. I wont love people who just wont love me back. I wont give in to people who just don't wanna give something back also.. i don't wanna talk to people who don't wanna be talked to.. As far as my concerns, things are going just nice over here. i wont tolerate silence because silence is like an insult to my intellectual, to my ability to speak, to think and to empathize.. To understand one's situation through the gift of communication. I'm willing to make this so-called mistake because all the sign are showing that this is the way..

1 comment:

Donut said...

Azamon yg puitis!